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Safe Usage of NSAIDs in Managing Acute Conditions
About this Course
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are frequently used to manage low or moderate intensity pain and these drugs limit inflammation by inhibiting cyclooxygenase enzymes. It is important to utilize these medications in an appropriate way in acute conditions like fever and pain to derive maximum benefits and low side effects. This multispeciality webinar shall focus on the spotlight features of this class of drugs and shall discuss in details some myths associated with it along with appropriately channelizing the choice of drugs in acute conditions, category of patients, dose and duration in selected patients so that the practicing clinicians can understand and apply the same in the routine practice for the best interest of their patients. This forum is an interactive forum wherein physicians can present the challenges, doubts as well as clinical experiences and gain insights of these experts in managing their patients with utmost confidence and care.
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Course FAQs
Consulting Physicians & General Physicians & also Aspiring Healthcare Professionals.
The course is organized into one module. Registration for the course is always open.
It is absolutely free of cost.
As soon as you enroll in a course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes and assignments (if applicable).
Yes, some background knowledge in the field of pain management will be useful. This course is directed towards MBBS/MD doctors who have done their post-graduation.
Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the courses on help practising and aspiring healthcare professionals.